Are you clueless about where to download the death cure pdf? Would you like to get maze runner the death cure pdf? Have you been searching for The Death Cure PDF? Today is your lucky day! Right here on knowdemia, we’ve got you covered! Not only will you get James Dashner The Death Cure PDF but you will also get all the books in the Maze Runner series without stress. The Death Cure PDF is a 2011 young adult dystopian science fiction novel written by American writer James Dashner and the third published in the Maze Runner series (the fifth and last in narrative order). It was published on 11 October 2011 by Delacorte Press and was preceded in publication order by The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials and followed by the series prequels, The Kill Order and The Fever Code.
After being held in solitary confinement, Thomas is eventually released by Janson (“Rat Man” in the prior novel), the assistant director of WICKED. Janson tells the Gladers (Group A) and Group B that most of their number are immune to the Flare while some are not, reading out names of people who are not immune to the Flare.
Thomas is devastated to hear that his friend Newt is not immune. The Gladers are offered the chance to remove the mind-control chips in their heads, thus restoring their memories, but at the cost of Thomas’s ability to communicate telepathically with Teresa and Aris. Only Thomas, Minho, and Newt choose not to undergo the surgery, believing they cannot help to find the cure if they lose their telepathic connection or gain their prior memories. Will they find the cure? Will anyone survive? Get The Death Cure PDF Free Download below and find out.
Table of Contents
The Maze Runner Book 3 Free Download Details
- Book Title: The Death Cure PDF
- Series: The Maze Runner Book 3
- Previous Book: The Scorch Trials
- Author: James Dashner
- Publish Date: October 11th 2011
- ISBN: 9780385738774
- Formats: PDF
- No. of pages: 325 pages
- Size: 2 MB
- Genre: Young adult, science fiction, post-apocalyptic
- Language: English
- File Status: Available for Download
- Price: Free
The Death Cure Book Summary
Book three in the blockbuster Maze Runner series that spawned a movie franchise and ushered in a worldwide phenomenon! And don’t missThe Fever Code, the highly-anticipated series conclusion that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built!
It’s the end of the line.
WICKED has taken everything from Thomas: his life, his memories, and now his only friends—the Gladers. But it’s finally over. The trials are complete, after one final test.
Will anyone survive?
What WICKED doesn’t know is that Thomas remembers far more than they think. And it’s enough to prove that he can’t believe a word of what they say.
The truth will be terrifying.
Thomas beat the Maze. He survived the Scorch. He’ll risk anything to save his friends. But the truth might be what ends it all.
The time for lies is over.
The Maze Runner and Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials are now major motion pictures featuring the star of MTV’s Teen Wolf, Dylan O’Brien; Kaya Scodelario; Aml Ameen; Will Poulter; and Thomas Brodie-Sangster. The third movie, Maze Runner: The Death Cure, will hit screens in 2018.
Also look for James Dashner’s edge-of-your-seat MORTALITY DOCTRINE series!
Praise for the Maze Runner series:
A #1 New York Times Bestselling Series
A USA Today Bestseller
A Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book of the Year
An ALA-YASLA Best Fiction for Young Adults Book
An ALA-YALSA Quick Pick
“[A] mysterious survival saga that passionate fans describe as a fusion of Lord of the Flies, The Hunger Games, and Lost.” —
“Wonderful action writing—fast-paced…but smart and well observed.” —Newsday
“[A] nail-biting must-read.” —
“Breathless, cinematic action.” —Publishers Weekly
“Heart pounding to the very last moment.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Exclamation-worthy.” —Romantic Times
“James Dashner’s illuminating prequel [The Kill Order] will thrill fans of this Maze Runner [series] and prove just as exciting for readers new to the series.” —Shelf Awareness, Starred
“Take a deep breath before you start any James Dashner book.” —Deseret News

The Death Cure by James Dashner Characters
Thomas (Named after Thomas Edison):
The main protagonist of the series. He is a teenage boy who was a Runner of Group A (the Gladers) before escaping the Maze with his fellow Gladers in The Maze Runner. He continued this by crossing the Scorch in The Scorch Trials, in which he was continuously manipulated by almost everyone, making it hard for him to trust other people again. Thomas escapes from having his memories restored in WICKED’s headquarters and becomes entangled in the conflict between WICKED and the Right Arm – a rebel organization that opposes it. During the events in The Death Cure he falls for Brenda.
Teresa (Named after Mother Teresa):
The only female Glader of Group A. In The Scorch Trials, she betrays Thomas on WICKED’s orders, causing him to distrust her. She volunteers for her memories to be restored and moves with the other Gladers to Denver. She eventually turns against WICKED. She dies after saving Thomas from being crushed by falling debris.
Newt (Named after Isaac Newton):
Newt is a Glader who took upon the role of the leader of Group A after their previous leader, Alby, died in The Maze Runner. He is one of Thomas’ steadfast companions, alongside Minho. The book reveals that Newt is not immune to the Flare virus and is slowly succumbing to its influence. Eventually, he begs Thomas to kill him, which Thomas does.
A Glader, and the former Keeper of the Runners of Group A. He was Thomas’ fellow Runner back in the Glade and throughout the series becomes Thomas’ best friend throughout their Trials, joining him to escape WICKED’s attempt to restore their memories and saving the Immunes from the Maze.
A Canadian girl who was part of a group of rebels in The Scorch Trials before becoming separated and having to navigate through the Scorch with Thomas. She helps Thomas, Minho, and Newt, escape from WICKED’s headquarters and help them remove WICKED’s chips from their necks. She and Thomas fall for each other again.
The leader of a group of rebels the Gladers met in The Scorch Trials. He has a close relationship with Brenda. Brenda described their relationship as Jorge being “like an uncle” to her. He was revealed to be working for WICKED but helps Thomas, Minho, and Newt escape from WICKED’s headquarters and remove their chips. He has a habit of mixing his speech with Spanish words.
Aris (Named after Aristotle) :
The only male member of Group B. He met Thomas in The Scorch Trials. Aris, Thomas, and Teresa are close friends in The Scorch Trials.
Janson (Rat Man):
The Assistant Director of WICKED and the book’s main antagonist. He is succumbing to the Flare virus, which explains his desperation for a cure. He arranges for the Group A and Group B survivors’ memories to be restored but wants to make them go through the Trials again. Eventually, Thomas kills him by strangling him, after Janson and other WICKED members try to recapture the surviving Immunes.
Gally (Named after Galileo):
A Glader of Group A who strictly followed the rules of the Glade and thus became Thomas’ adversary in The Maze Runner. He indirectly caused Chuck’s death when Chuck intercepted a knife Gally had thrown at Thomas. In this book, he reunites with Thomas and reveals he has been working with the Right Arm, an organization determined to stop WICKED. However, after discovering the Right Arm’s true purpose, he left with Thomas and the Gladers to rescue the Immunes in the Maze.
The leader of the Right Arm, an organization opposed to WICKED. He is Gally’s boss. He recruits Thomas to infiltrate the WICKED headquarters and plant a device inside that disables the WICKED’s weapons, and then leads the Right Arm’s invasion of WICKED. He is strictly dedicated to his cause and brands Thomas and Gally traitors when they attempt to save hundreds of Immunes hidden in the Maze, which is about to be destroyed by the Right Arm.
Vince’s assistant who captures Thomas, Minho, Brenda, and Jorge and delivers them to a safe house. After their demands to see “the boss” Lawrence took them to Vince. He later drops off Thomas near the WICKED headquarters for his plan to plant the explosive device.
A former WICKED scientist whom Thomas, Minho, Brenda, and Jorge, meet in Denver to help remove the chips from Thomas and Minho.
Ava Paige:
The Chancellor of WICKED and the person responsible for managing and organizing the search for a cure of the Flare, including sending teenagers into the Maze to study the minds of Immunes. However, she disagreed with the consequence that the teenagers were being killed. Her character serves as the omniscient voice in the books’ Epilogues. She was never seen in the series, but every Epilogue of the three books in the main series, plus The Fever Code, includes an email she writes to her associates. She states a cure for the Flare virus will never be found, that the Immunes are humanity’s last hope to restore the dying world, and that WICKED’s actions of sending them for Trials are threatening that hope. She serves as an ex-Machina in the narrative, saving Thomas from a fatal brain experiment at the last minute, after he was sedated; She instigates and secretly orchestrates his rescue of hundreds of Immunes from the attack on the Maze. She also promises and delivers a paradisaical safe haven for the Immunes.
Maze Runner The Death Cure PDF Book Review
In brief, The Maze Runner is the story of a teenage boy, Thomas, and his band of friends who accomplish rather unbelievable feats to escape a devilishly designed maze. Oh yes, and all of them have no memories. That about sums it up.
In the second book, The Scorch Trials, Thomas and his friends are again put through a series of perilous experiments in a ravaged world. This time the boys realize that they are undergoing trials for the greater good of the human race, in the hope of finding a cure for a disturbing, fatal illness known as “the Flare.”
The third book, The Death Cure, is Thomas and his surviving friends’ fight to take down Wicked, the organization which has forced the experiments upon them.
The Death Cure
Ummm, where to begin?
This series was such a fast paced, roller coaster filled with amazing twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat, and short of breath most of the time! haha
I loved that the chapters were short and generally left on cliff-hangers!
We rejoin Thomas and the gang after the horrors of the Scorch. WICKED say the trials are almost over – but how can they believe anything they say? Thomas, Brenda and Jorge become separated from the rest of the group as they break out from WICKED. They make their way to Denver, a city managing to function as normally as possible, while scanning all new occupants for the flare in order to keep it out.
All the while WICKED are hunting them – they need Thomas, claim he is their ‘final candidate’. But what do they want him for?
Now…I’m sure that with the ending we got that many people will feel either content with it or they may feel robbed.
Me? I guess I feel a little of both, but I think that’s how we’re meant to feel, cause that’s how these characters feel. See, these books are designed to keep the reader in constant wonderment. We don’t know who to trust (with a few exceptions) we don’t know what’s real and we don’t know which way the story will turn no matter how much we think we’ve figured it out. The methods WICKED used were horrendous and when push comes to shove, meaningless. After all that tragic, all that pain and all that torture (for characters and readers alike) the final answer was indeed right before our eyes…and yet, I’ve never once, during this entire series thought about it. I was to focused on what was going on and to panicked with want for my favorite characters to survive that I never looked at the could-be-solution.
I was just waiting for the shucking cure!
With that said, I’m happy with the way this ended. In fact, I think it’s the perfect ending. It’s filled with action and answers. It leaves the characters and the readers exhausted and exhilarated, but most of all despite the lost and despair it leaves us with hope, and that my friend is always a note I like my reads to end with.
James Dashner is my hero! These books have been one of the most craziest, twisted and absolutely addicting books I’ve ever read and I can say this with a heavy heart… it will be tremendously missed.
Congrats to James Dashner on such an epic series. You put your readers and your characters through absolute hell mister! But I’ve never had such a blast reading a series from beginning to end.
This series is fantastic, as it really makes you question the term ‘the end justifies the means’. Does it actually? When so many are killed for this so called ‘end’. Very powerful stuff.
Battling cranks, meeting old characters, and so many more secrets and shocks – this was a great final instalment.

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