How to Remove Under Eye Bags

How to Remove Under Eye Bags – If you’ve ever experienced the puffiness and the dark circles under your eyes, then you would know what it’s like to be concerned about having such eye bags. These eye bags are an uninvited guest causing every human being to wonder how to get rid of eyebags? When we were younger we wondered if we would even grow up with such a problem, and now as we age we wonder what is causing them and how to remove our eye bags.

How to get rid of under eye bags permanently? This is one question which I’ve been asked by many people. Puffiness, dark rings, and drooping are the main problems which make you look older than your age. If you are facing these problems you can read this article for getting rid of under eye bags.

Bags under eyes are usually a cosmetic concern and don’t require specific treatment. Home and lifestyle treatments may help reduce or eliminate puffy eyes.

Medical and surgical treatments are available if you’re concerned about the appearance of under-eye swelling. Treatment may not be covered by medical insurance if it’s done solely to improve your appearance.

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How to Remove Under Eye Bags

Although there are countless products on the market which claim to help de-puff and lighten the area under the eyes, they don’t always work.

Drinking more water and applying a cold compress can help shrink eye bags quickly, but the only way to reduce their appearance in the long term is to make a few lifestyle changes. This is especially true if your eye bags and dark circles are genetically inherited.

Other common causes include:

Keep reading to learn how you can get rid of your under-eye bags for good.

1. Apply tea bags

Tea isn’t just for sipping. You can actually use caffeinated tea bags under your eyes to help with dark circles and bags.

The caffeine in the tea contains powerful antioxidants and may increase blood flow to your skin. It’s also said to protect against UV rays and potentially slow the aging process.

Green tea, in particular, has been touted by researchers for its potential anti-inflammatory effects, as shown in one studyTrusted SourceTrusted Source.

To do this:

  1. Steep two tea bags for 3 to 5 minutes.
  2. Let the tea bags chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  3. Then, squeeze out the extra liquid and apply to your under-eye area.
  4. Leave the tea bags on for 15 to 30 minutes.

2. Use a cold compress

Toss out those pricey creams. Relief from dark circles may be as simple as using a cold compress you make using materials you already own. Applying cold to the area can help the blood vessels constrict quickly for some temporary relief.

Although you can purchase a cold compress at the store, do-it-yourself methods can work just as well.

Some DIY options include a:

  • chilled teaspoon
  • cool cucumber
  • wet washcloth
  • bag of frozen veggies

Before applying, wrap your compress with a soft cloth to protect your skin from getting too frosty. You only need to apply the compress for a few minutes to see results.

3. Clear out your sinuses with a neti pot

Some people swear that using a neti pot can help remove your under-eye bags and dark circles. A neti pot is a device you fill with a saltwater (normal saline) solution. You place the spout in your nose and irrigate your sinuses, removing mucus and other debris.

To do this:

  1. Fill your neti pot with a saltwater solution — 1/2 teaspoon of salt into 1 cup of water. Heat the water to dissolve, then cool to body temperature before use. Warm or lukewarm is best for comfort.
  2. Tilt your head sideways over the sink. Place the spout of the pot in the upper nostril, the one now closer to the ceiling.
  3. Breathe through your mouth as you gently pour the solution into the nostril. The solution should drain through the other nostril.
  4. Repeat this process with your head tilted the other way.
  5. Rinse your pot after use with filtered, distilled, or otherwise sterile water.
  6. Let the pot air dry before storing.

You can find inexpensive neti pots online. If you choose to try this method at home, be sure to use distilled or sterilized water to create your saltwater solution. You may also use boiled tap water that has cooled to a safe temperature.

4. Stay hydrated

Water makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Given this, it may not be surprising that dehydration can contribute to under-eye bags. Upping your water intake should help.

How much is enough? Experts recommend drinking around 13 cups of fluids a day for men, and about 9 cups of fluids for women, per day.

Don’t like water? The good news is that all fluids count toward your daily total. Still, water is a low-calorie option. Try sparkling waters, flavored waters, or even water infused with fruit. Hot or cold herbal decaffeinated tea is another good choice.

5. Take an antihistamine

Allergies can cause puffy, dark circles under your eyes. You may also experience redness or watery, itchy eyes. This reaction is caused by your immune system’s response to something that irritates it, or allergens.

If you feel your under-eye bags might be allergy related, ask your doctor about taking over-the-counter (OTC) allergy medications. Some brands include:

Purchase antihistamines online.

It’s also a good idea to avoid potential allergens whenever possible.

Certain personal care products, like soaps, makeup, or hair dyes, may be allergens. If you’re having trouble identifying the cause, consider keeping a diary to see what substances or other things cause the most reaction. If this is a chronic problem talk to your doctor about allergy testing.

6. Add retinol cream to your routine

You may have used creams in the past, but concentrating on specific ingredients is key. Retinol creams have been used for a variety of skin issues, including:

This ingredient is related to vitamin A and it comes in cream, gel, or liquid form.

How does retinol help with eye bags? When applied to the skin, this ingredient can improve collagen deficiency. You may find lower concentrations of retinol in different OTC products, but stronger creams require a prescription from your dermatologist.

Retinol is generally applied to skin once a day, about a half hour after washing your face. Don’t use retinol creams or take extra vitamin A if you’re pregnant.

7. Use lightening products

Skin lightening creams contain an ingredient called hydroquinone. This ingredient interferes with the production of melanin in the skin. This can help reduce the appearance of dark bags or under-eye circles.

Many creams, gels, and lotions you’ll find over the counter contain 2 percent of hydroquinone. You can get higher concentrations by prescription from your dermatologist. You’ll need to use these products regularly to see lasting results.

Find skin-lightening creams containing hydroquinone online.

It’s important to note that the positive effects of hydroquinone are reversed when skin is exposed to sunlight, so you should only apply at night. Some people also experience dryness, irritation, and other mild skin issues while using skin lightening products. Discontinue use if you have a reaction.

8. Wear sunscreen every day

Protecting your skin against the sun’s rays can help with a number of dermatological issues, like:

  • premature aging
  • skin cancer
  • discoloration

As a result, wearing sunscreen may also help with your under-eye bags and dark circles.

The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that all people wear sunscreen. Broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays is important. So is choosing a formula that is SPF 30 or higher and water-resistant. Reapply as necessary or directed on the package instructions. Choose a daily face moisturizer that’s also SPF 30 or higher.

Here’s a selection of sunscreens with high SPF.

You can also avoid the sun’s harmful rays by:

  • sitting in the shade
  • wearing protective clothing
  • avoiding tanning beds

9. See your derm about microneedling

Microneedling is also known as collagen induction therapy. Proponents say it reduces wrinkles, scarring, and even pigment issues, like dark circles and under-eye bags.

The procedure involves fine needles that are used to puncture the skin. This creates a controlled injury of sorts that, in turn, rejuvenates the skin being treated.

This procedure isn’t for those who want instant gratification. It’s usually performed over the course of six sessions spaced a month or so apart. Microneedling costs less than more traditional laser procedures.

There are also some risks, though the recovery time is relatively fast. People may run into issues like:

  • bleeding
  • bruising
  • infection
  • scarring

Dermatologists don’t recommend the at-home kits as they’re less effective and there’s some danger of infection transmission. Don’t share needles with other people to prevent disease transmission. This approach isn’t a good choice for people who have a history of keloids or who easily scar.

10. Take your makeup off before bed

Improving your nightly routine may also help you avoid bags under your eyes. In particular, it’s important to wash your face before bed each night.

There are several reasons why you shouldn’t sleep in makeup. First, if you sleep with mascara or other eye makeup on your eyes, you may:

  • irritate them
  • experience an allergic reaction
  • develop an infection that creates redness, puffiness, or other symptoms

Some say forgetting to wash your face may cause wrinkles or damage the skin in other ways. How exactly? When you sleep in makeup, you’re exposing your skin to free radicals. This has the potential to create what’s called oxidative stress, which may prematurely ageTrusted SourceTrusted Source your skin.

Shop for eye makeup removers here.

11. Stay elevated while you sleep

Try elevating your head with extra pillows while you sleep. Using two or more pillows should do the trick. You may even consider purchasing a special wedge pillow. How does this work? Elevating your head helps to prevent the pooling of fluid in your lower eyelids that creates puffiness while you sleep.

If propping up your head hurts your neck or you can’t fall asleep, you may also consider elevating the entire top end of your bed by a few inches. You can use bricks under the bed posts or buy special bed risers that are specifically made for this purpose.

12. If you can, get at least eight hours of sleep

Beyond how you sleep, how much you sleep is also a factor. Although limited sleep may not actually cause under-eye circles, getting little sleep may make your complexion paler. Any shadows or dark circles you have may be more obvious as a result.

Most adults should aim to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night.

According to Mayo Clinic, if you’re having trouble settling down to rest, try these tricks:

  • Try creating a sleep schedule, or a regular bedtime and wake-time.
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages and foods 6 to 12 hours before your bedtime.
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages around bedtime.
  • Finish all meals and snacks two hours before bedtime.
  • Finish all strenuous exercise a few hours before bedtime.
  • Turn off televisions, cell phones, and other electronic devices one hour before bedtime.

13. Eat more collagen-rich foods

As you get older, the muscles and tissues that support your eyelids weaken. This means that your skin may begin to sag, including the fat that’s usually around your eyes.

Upping your intake of vitamin C can help your body absorb more hyaluronic acid. This essential acid is naturally found in the body, but the amount stored decreases with age.

Foods rich in vitamin C and amino acids can also help with collagen production through boosting your levels of hyaluronic acid, creating healthier skin.

Good sources of vitamin C include:

  • oranges
  • red peppers
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • broccoli
  • strawberries

14. Eat more iron-rich foods, too

Iron deficiency anemia is a condition where the blood is lacking red blood cells. These cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues in the body. Iron deficiency can cause dark circles under the eyes and even pale skin. Other symptoms include things like:

  • extreme fatigue
  • cold hands and feet
  • brittle nails

If you suspect you may be anemic, it’s a good idea to visit your doctor. Your doctor will check this with a simple blood test. You may need special iron supplements to get back on track. For mild cases, increasing your dietary intake of iron may help.

Iron-rich foods include:

  • red meat, pork, and poultry
  • seafood
  • beans
  • leafy green veggies, like kale and spinach
  • raisins, apricots, and other dried fruits
  • iron-fortified foods, like cereals, breads, and pastas
  • peas

15. Cut back on salty foods

Eating too many salty foods may be at the root of your under-eye bags. Salt contributes to your body’s fluid retention and can make you puffy overall. It may also lead to other health issues, like heart disease and stroke.

The American Heart Association recommends consuming 2,300 milligrams (mg)Trusted Source or less of salt each day. Ideally, adults should consume no more than 1,500 mg of salt each day.

As a guide, here’s how many milligrams are in different teaspoon (tsp) measurements of salt:

  • 1/4 tsp = 575 mg sodium
  • 1/2 tsp= 1,150 mg sodium
  • 3/4 tsp = 1,725 mg sodium
  • 1 tsp = 2,300 mg sodium

Read packages carefully to see how much salt is in your favorite snacks. One way to immediately lower the salt in your diet is to avoid eating packaged, processed foods. Instead, try eating a diet based more on whole foods — fresh fruits and veggies — where you can control the salt content.

16. Cut back on alcohol

You may consider also cutting back on alcohol to see relief. Why does this work? It’s a similar idea to drinking more water. Drinking alcohol contributes to dehydration, and dehydration may lead to bags and dark circles under your eyes.

If you’re craving a special drink, try grabbing a flavored sparkling water or infusing regular water with fruit.

17. Quit smoking

Smoking depletes your body’s stores of vitamin C, which is the vitamin responsible for creating healthy collagen in your skin. If you smoke, you may deal with issues like wrinkles, discoloration, and even under-eye bags and dark circles.

Quitting smoking also helps with a host of other health issues. You can add years to your life, get rid of stained teeth, and reduce your chances of developing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers.

You may experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms in the first couple weeks after quitting cold turkey. These symptoms should fade within 10 to 14 days.

18. Rose Water

Rose water doesn’t just smell fantastic – it can also soothe and rejuvenate tired skin. Like cucumber, it’s a mild astringent, so it can work as a skin toner. Just soak cotton makeup remover pads in rose water for a few minutes, and then let the soaked makeup pads sit on your CLOSED eyelids. Leave them for about 15 minutes twice daily.

19. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are high in lycopene, a substance that’s excellent for your cardiovascular health, vision and your skin. Lycopene can help create softer, more supple skin, as well as decrease the appearance of dark under eye circles.

To gain the medical benefits of the lycopene found in tomatoes, mix equal parts tomato juice with lemon juice and then use a cotton ball or makeup remover pad to apply it to your under eye area. (Again, PLEASE do not get lemon juice in your eyes.) Leave the solution for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water, twice daily.

A tasty concoction of tomato juice, lemon juice and mint leaves to drink daily will also help improve your overall health as well as your skin.

20. Eat More Dark Chocolate

Here’s your excuse to indulge: Flavonol-rich foods like dark chocolate protect against the harmful effects of UV radiation, thereby slowing down the aging process caused by too much time in the sun – a delightful little fact after hearing for so long that chocolate is bad for our skin!

21. Eat More Salmon

Omega 3’s can be found in foods like salmon and walnuts. These fatty acids improve blood flow to the skin, moving blood out and away from your eyes instead of allowing it to pool there and cause dark under eye circles.


If you think the swelling under your eyes is caused by an allergy, ask your doctor about prescription allergy medications.


Various wrinkle treatments are used to improve the appearance of puffiness under the eyes. These include laser resurfacing, chemical peels and fillers, which may improve skin tone, tighten the skin and rejuvenate the look of bags under the eyes.

Eyelid surgery

Depending on what’s causing bags under the eyes, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) may be a treatment option. During blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee), the surgeon removes excess fat through an incision in the natural crease of the upper eyelid or inside the lower lid. He or she then rejoins the skin with tiny dissolving stitches. The procedure is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

In addition to correcting bags under eyes, blepharoplasty can also repair:

  • Baggy or puffy upper eyelids
  • Excess skin of the upper eyelid that interferes with your vision
  • Droopy lower eyelids, which may cause white to show below the iris — the colored part of the eye
  • Excess skin on lower eyelids

Talk with your doctor about the side effects of eyelid surgery — dry eyes, watery eyes, pain, swelling, bruising and blurred vision. Rare complications include visual loss, bleeding, infection, injury to eye muscles, corneal abrasion and drooping of an eyelid.

Preparing for your appointment

Preparing a list of questions will help you make the most of your time with your doctor. For bags under eyes, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:

  • What’s likely causing my symptoms?
  • Is my condition likely temporary or chronic?
  • What treatment approach do you recommend, if any?
  • What will the treatments cost? Does medical insurance cover these costs?
  • What results can I expect?
  • Can I do anything at home to improve my symptoms?
  • What kind of follow-up, if any, should I expect?

Don’t hesitate to ask other questions that occur to you.

What to expect from your doctor

Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions, including:

  • When did you first notice the puffiness under your eyes?
  • Have your symptoms been continuous or occasional?
  • What, if anything, seems to improve your symptoms?
  • What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptoms?


Everyone wants to look younger and energetic and no one wants to look older than their age. So, we all remain concerned about anti-aging and how to get rid of under eye bags and dark circles and that’s why we just explained the effective solutions of these problems.

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