How to Edit XML Files

How to Edit XML Files – XML is a markup language created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to define a syntax for encoding documents that both humans and machines could read. It does this through the use of tags that define the structure of the document, as well as how the document should be stored and transported.

It’s probably easiest to compare it to another markup language with which you might be familiar—the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) used to encode web pages. HTML uses a pre-defined set of markup symbols (short codes) that describe the format of content on a web page. For example, the following simple HTML code uses tags to make some words bold and some italic:

This is how you make <b>bold text</b> and this is how you make <i>italic text</i>

The thing that differentiates XML, though, is that it’s extensible. XML doesn’t have a predefined markup language, like HTML does. Instead, XML allows users to create their own markup symbols to describe content, making an unlimited and self-defining symbol set.

Essentially, HTML is a language that focuses on the presentation of content, while XML is a dedicated data-description language used to store data.

XML is often used as the basis for other document formats—hundreds, in fact. Here are a few you might recognize:

  • RSS and ATOM both describe how reader apps handle web feeds.
  • Microsoft .NET uses XML for its configuration files.
  • Microsoft Office 2007 and later use XML as the basis for document structure. That’s what the “X” means in the .DOCX Word document format, for example, and it’s also used in Excel (XLSX files) and PowerPoint (PPTX files).

So, if you have an XML file, that doesn’t necessarily tell you what app it’s intended for use with. And typically, you won’t need to worry about it, unless you’re the one actually designing the XML files.

Table of Contents

How Do I Open One?

There are a few ways you can open an XML file directly. You can open and edit them with any text editor, view them with any web browser, or use a website that lets you view, edit, and even convert them to other formats.

Use a Text Editor If You Work With XML Files Regularly

Since XML files are really just text files, you can open them in any text editor. The thing is, a lot of text editors—like Notepad—just aren’t designed to show XML files with their proper structure. It might be okay for popping an XML file open and taking a quick look to help figure out what it is. But, there are much better tools for working with them.

Right-click the XML file you want to open, point to “Open With” on the context menu, and then click the “Notepad” option.

Can you edit XML files in Notepad?

Summary. Microsoft XML Notepad is an application that allows you to create and edit XML documents quickly and easily. With this tool, the structure of your XML data is displayed graphically in a tree structure.Isolating carbon from human ashes to create diamonds

How do I edit an XML document?

From the Project menu, select Add New Item. Select XML File from the Templates pane. Enter the filename in the Name field and press Add. The XML file is added to the project and opens in the XML editor.

What is the best way to edit an XML file?

The 5 Best Free XML Editors

  1. Notepad++ Try Now. Notepad++ is a free text editor that comes with a plugin for editing the XML files.
  2. Code Browser. Try Now. Code Browser is a free XML editor designed for the Windows and Linux operating systems.
  3. Microsoft XML Notepad. Try Now.
  4. XmlPad. Try Now.
  5. TextEdit. Try Now.

How do I edit an XML file in Windows 10?

XML files are encoded in plaintext, so you can open them in any text editor and be able to clearly read it. Right-click the XML file and select “Open With.” This will display a list of programs to open the file in. Select “Notepad” (Windows) or “TextEdit” (Mac).

How do I edit an XML file in Chrome?

In Chrome, just open a new tab and drag the XML file over. Alternatively, right click on the XML file and hover over “Open with” then click “Chrome”. When you do, the file will open in a new tab.

How do I convert an XML file to a readable file?

This section covers how to convert XML to text in 3 easy steps:

  1. Open an XML. In this first step, double-click your XML file to open it via your default browser on the computer.
  2. Print XML. Having opened this XML file, you should next click the “Print” option in the browser used for loading it.
  3. Convert XML to Text.

How do I edit an XML file in Excel?

Right click on the XML file and select Open with Microsoft Office Excel. Open Excel and drag and drop the XML file onto an empty workbook. Open Excel and use the File Open dialog box to select the XML File. You will need to change the file type to XML Files (*.

What opens an XML document?

XML files can be opened in a browser like IE or Chrome, with any text editor like Notepad or MS-Word. Even Excel can be used to open XML files. We also have Online editors to open XML files.

How do I convert an XML file to Word?

How to Convert XML to Word

  1. Open an XML File. To open an XML file, you can drag and drop it in a new tab of your browser, then it will be opened by the browser.
  2. Print the XML. Click the “Print” button in your browser, and select “PDFelement” as the printer to print.
  3. XML to Word.

How do I convert an XML file to PDF?

How to convert XML to PDF in Microsoft Word

  1. Open the XML file by clicking the Office Button-> Open and searching for the file on the computer.
  2. Click on Office Button->Print and in the Print window select novaPDF from the drop-down list.
  3. Click OK then OK again in the Save PDF File As window and the XML will be converted.

How do I clean up an XML file?

Delete an XML map from a workbook

  1. If the Developer tab is not available, do the following to display it:
  2. On the Developer tab, in the XML group, click Source.
  3. In the XML Source task pane, click XML Maps.
  4. Select the XML map that you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete, and then click OK.

How do I open an xml file in Windows 10?

  1. Type Default programs in the search bar on Windows 10.
  2. Associate a file type or protocol with a program under Choose the program that Windows use by default in the Default Program Window.
  3. Select the . xml file type in the Associate a file type or protocol with a program Window and click on Ok.

How do I open an XML file in Adobe Reader?

Choose File > Open. Locate and select the XML file you want to use. Click Open.

Is XML the same as PDF?

PDF is not XML. To generate PDF from XML, use XSLT to convert the XML to XSL:FO, which can then be rendered to PDF by an XSL-FO processor such as Apache FOP, Antenna House, or RenderX.

What is the difference between XML and PDF?

PDF versus XML

XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, is a data format that can be used to describe the content of documents (similar to SGML). While XML describes the content of a document, PDF describes its appearance.


XML. XML Data Package (XDP) is an XML file format created by Adobe Systems in 2003. It is intended to be an XML-based companion to PDF. It allows PDF content and/or Adobe XML Forms Architecture (XFA) resources to be packaged within an XML container.

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