Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF

Would you like to get Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF Download? Have you been searching for a comprehensive introduction to investing, with great guiding principles? Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF is a Great Investing Book. Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF is an easy-to-read guide to Warren Buffett’s accounting methodology – covering how he looks for companies that make up good investments (consistent with increasing earnings, good management, competitive advantage, etc.). The authors also do well to explain basic value investing concepts such as the behavior of the stock market and buying when the market is “cheap” rather than “expensive”. It’s a good accessible read for anyone looking to get into value investing.

Table of Contents

Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF Download Details

  • Book Title: Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF
  • Authors: Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh
  • Goodreads Link: Warren Buffett Accounting Book by Preston Pysh
  • Published: May 1st 2014 
  • ISBN: 1939370159 (ISBN13: 9781939370150)
  • Format: [PDF] [Epub]
  • No. of pages: 221
  • Size: 11.4 MB
  • Genre: Economics, Finance, Business, Nonfiction
  • Language: English
  • File Status: Available for Download
  • Price: Free

Warren Buffett Accounting Book Summary

A starting point for amateur and intermediate investors to finally understand the content found in The IThis book is the second volume to Amazon bestseller Warren Buffett’s Three Favorite Books. In this book, you will learn how to: Pick stocks like Warren Buffett Calculate the intrinsic value of stocks using two methods During the second half of the book, readers will learn in-depth methods for Read an income statement Read a balance sheet Read a cash flow statement Calculate and interpret key ratios 

Warren Buffett Accounting Book PDF

Warren Buffett Accounting Book Review

My book, Warren Buffett Accounting Book: Reading Financial Statements for Value Investing, is a great read for anyone who is looking to learn more about investing. This book helps readers get a better understanding of how the stock market works while being able to learn, from a name that almost everybody knows. Warren Buffett, arguably not the most successful investor in our current world, shares a few of his details on what led him to become a multi-billionaire.

This book also references his college professor, who also gives input on his investing techniques. One of my favorite parts of this book is when he describes the few steps of how to read the stock market. I liked this part because it went into great depth about how most parts of the stock market works, as well as making sure readers who might not be able to understand it with the technical term, could understand it.

Another thing I liked about the book was that it went into detail about the different ways to make money from the stock market, including if it has a higher payoff, or if it has a lower, while also including its stability. One thing that I didn’t like about the book was that some parts, which I thought were interesting, didn’t go into that great of depth describing it, or using examples to help further the understanding of it.

Overall this book is a great beginner book, which allows readers to gain a sense of knowledge of reading financial statements, as well as learning a few tricks, from the brilliant investor himself, Warren Buffett. I would recommend this book to readers who are trying to get a sense of how the stock market works, and if they want to learn more about it, they could read more of the author’s books, or try and invest in the stock market, to make some extra money.

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