Master of The Universe PDF Free Download

Would you like to get Master of The Universe PDF Free Download? Have you been searching for where to get Snowqueens Icedragon master of the universe pdf? Well, if you would like to get Master of the universe twilight fanfiction pdf then you are in the right place. Here on knowdemia, you can get master of the universe EL James PDF Free Download. So, if you have been searching for where to get master of the universe PDF EL James, you can quit searching because it’s just a click away!

Master of the Universe is a Twilight story by Snowqueens Icedragon aka E.L. James. This is the fanfic that the author filed off the serial numbers and republished as the original fiction book Fifty Shades of Grey. When it was deleted from in 2011, it had over 56,000 reviews. EL James grabs you by the throat and heart with equal expertise. This refreshing, gorgeous book will captivate you. Highly recommended.

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About Snowqueens Icedragon Master of The Universe PDF

Vintage, 50s Shades of Grey’s professional publisher, claimed that the novel was a purely original work:

“As numerous reports have outlined, 50 SHADES OF GREY grew out of a multi-part series of fan fiction called MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE, based on Stephenie Meyer’s TWILIGHT novels, that James (a pseudonym for London-based television executive Erika Leonard) published online between 2009 and 2011 in various venues, including and her own website. When she contracted with Writers Coffee Shop in early 2011 to publish the works, lightly rewritten to take out any references to Twilight characters and situations, James took the fan fiction versions offline.

Vintage issued a statement to the AP Saturday defending 50 SHADES as an original work, and said to us that James had warranted the books were, indeed original. Messitte added she was “aware of the narrative that [50 SHADES] started as differently titled piece of fiction, but that they were and are two distinctly separate pieces of work.” A request for comment from Meyer’s agent, Jodi Reamer at Writers House, was not responded to at press time.”

Snowqueens Icedragon Master of the Universe PDF Book Review

[Reviews From Goodreads]

I am glad I haven’t started to read fifty shades of grey yet. I am in love with this original version. With Edward and Bella… I have fallen for their story in twilight saga, and with master of the universe I have fallen in love with them all over again. It’s been quite a while since I have picked up a book and been so into that I have read it well into the night and going to bed at 4 am. I love the whole alternate universe.

It isn’t about mystical creature, but about true life scenarios that cause you stop and think about. Granted there is a lot of sex, but when you get pass that part and you look at how two people will go to any length to keep that person happy. A great story to read.

The Mister by E.L. James PDF Book Review

Loved it better than 50 Shades only because it has Edward and Bella; I fell in love with them in the Twilight series, so I absolutely loved them here, it was exiting.

I must said I’m disappointed I didn’t read this one first… Or maybe not; I dp tend to like having the best for last, and, to me, this is the best one


I completely loved the process of reading this book! Of course it’s not edited! She wrote it on line, chapter by chapter and waited for comments by readers. I loved the suspense of waiting for the next chapter and being involved with the process of these fantastic characters (not to mention an unknown author) come to life. I loved reading Fifty Shades later but I will always be loyal to the original.

Cheryl Roman 

I really enjoyed this fic. I eagerly awaited each chapter as it was posted. The FSOG book is good, but I enjoyed the experience of each chapter being revealed month by month. The cliffies at the end of each chapter kept me rapt. It’s funny to see the books at Walmart now. When I read it in the fanfiction format, it was my dirty little secret.


It was…surprisingly more bearable than I’d expected it to be. Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that the relationship depicted in the book was every bit as toxic and abusive as people say, and has a very innacurate portrayal of BDSM (not that I would know, but I’m pretty sure real rage born of deeply ingrained childhood abuse and neglect has no place in a sexual relationship). However, there were moments in the book that I actually kind of liked, or would have liked if they had been in a different context or a different book altogether.

As for the characters – still not very interesting. Bella has more life in this than she does in any of the Twilight Saga books, but that doesn’t mean she’s very engaging as a protagonist. Edward, well, still stalkerish and emotionally constipated. Not much has changed in that aspect.

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