Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood Audiobook Free

Are you a big fan of Ali Hazelwood’s books? Would you like to get Under One Roof Audiobook? Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood Audiobook is the first book in The STEMinist Novellas series followed by Stuck with You by Ali Hazelwood. Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood is amazingly adorable and addictive! The two main characters are very well developed for the short amount of time we get to know them, and the romance? Absolute perfection. All the novellas in The STEMinist Novellas series can be enjoyed as standalone, but it would best be enjoyed in order since previous characters do make appearances.

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About Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood Audiobook

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis comes a new steamy, STEMinist novella…

Nothing like a little rivalry between scientists to take love to the next level.

Mara, Sadie, and Hannah are friends first, scientists always. Though their fields of study might take them to different corners of the world, they can all agree on this universal truth: when it comes to love and science, opposites attract and rivals make you burn…
Logically, Sadie knows that civil engineers are supposed to build bridges. However, as a woman of STEM she also understands that variables can change, and when you are stuck for hours in a tiny New York elevator with the man who broke your heart, you earn the right to burn that brawny, blond bridge to the ground. Erik can apologize all he wants, but to quote her rebel leader—she’d just as soon kiss a Wookiee.
Not even the most sophisticated of Sadie’s superstitious rituals could have predicted such a disastrous reunion. But while she refuses to acknowledge the siren call of Erik’s steely forearms or the way his voice softens when he offers her his sweater, Sadie can’t help but wonder if there might be more layers to her cold-hearted nemesis than meet the eye. Maybe, possibly, even burned bridges can still be crossed….
To read Mara and Hannah’s stories look for the novellas Under One Roof, available now, and Below Zero, coming soon from Berkley!


Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood Audiobook Review

Review by Yun From Goodreads

There’s something about Ali Hazelwood’s writing that just makes me so happy. All I want to do is smile and laugh, and then my cheeks are sore by the time I’m a few chapters in. Good thing this was a novella.

While Under One Roof doesn’t exactly break the mold in terms of the story itself, I still had so much fun with it. It’s because it has all the hallmarks I’ve come to associate with Hazelwood: slightly outrageous premise, two main characters who are loveable if a bit clueless, and endless snarky banter that has me in stitches.

With regards to the banter, Hazelwood really is my queen. Just like there are certain people you meet and instantly click with, that’s exactly how I feel about her banter. It’s witty, funny, slightly zany, and utterly delightful. It’s exactly to my style and I just want to soak it all up.

Under One Roof by Ali Hazelwood Audiobook

I love Hazelwood’s focus on STEM females, and Mara was a feisty one. She’s an environmental engineer, which makes it all the funnier when she finds out that her hottie roommate is a big-shot corporate lawyer for an oil company. You can see how they would butt heads, to rather hilarious results.

I don’t read a lot of novellas because I’m always afraid the shorter page length will leave me wanting more. And that’s definitely the case here. Even though I enjoyed the story, there’s something a little unsatisfying about how short it is. What can I say? I want more of Mara and Liam! But I guess it’s a good thing when a story leaves you wanting more.

Now excuse me while I go wipe that silly smile off my face and do some cheek-relaxing exercises.

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