How to Write Manifestations – Do you want to manifest your wealth, true love or any other admirable quality? The most important thing with manifesting is to know what you want. Below I share various ways of how to write manifestations.
For thousands of years, people have been trying to explain dreams and desires in a natural way. Over the years, there have been a number of different theories about how to write manifestations. Today we are going to look at some of the most popular ways on how to write your manifestations.
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Writing Your Goals Down Helps You Manifest Them
A study by Dr. Gail Mathews showed that people who write their goals down are significantly more likely to complete them than people who simply verbalize their goals. The study also showed that people who wrote their goals and sent them to a close friend accomplished their goals at an even higher rate.
How can you start implementing this finding today? Here are some tips for manifesting through writing your goals down as affirmations.
5 Ways to Start Manifesting by Writing
1. Write about what you want and why you want it
Instead of just writing down what you want, make sure to include the reason that you want it. In Write it Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want – And Getting It! author Henriette Anne Klauser calls this technique the “outcome of the outcome.”
For example, rather than writing down that you want a house with a lot of windows, write down I live in a beautiful house with large windows so that I can enjoy the extra light.
Uncovering why your goals are important to you can help you focus on the functionality of your goals and allow you to come up with creative solutions. In fact, you might just find that when you focus on the essence of what you’re looking for, there are many things that can meet your desired outcome.
2. Focus on the feeling
Rather than just writing down your goal, write down how you’ll feel when you achieve the goal in great detail. This helps keep the exercise from becoming boring or rote.
For example, rather than writing I am now a highly successful dancer, you can try the following: I am now a highly successful dancer. What a joy to be doing what I love! It feels so blissful to be surrounded by creative people. I feel welcome and fulfilled by being a part of something so amazing.
The more you focus on the feeling, the easier it is to get excited about your goal and to associate the goal with positive emotions. Spend a few minutes writing about how you’ll feel and be sure to include specific details about the scene. You can do this periodically or on a regular basis if it excites you.
3. Repetition, repetition, repetition
One of the easiest ways to manifest by writing is to pick a goal and write it down as if it were happening in the present. Repeat the sentence 15-20 times and do the exercise daily.
If you want to get a little more creative, try this tip from Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti Gawain. In the book, the author recommends writing your goal by using your name in the first, second, and third person. Here’s an example: I, Claire, am a successful singer. Claire, you are a successful singer. Claire is a successful singer. Repeat this writing exercise regularly to wire it in.
The 369 Method is a structured way to incorporate affirmations into your day. The 369 Method involves writing your affirmations down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times before bed. I create a free 369 Method template your can download to make it easier!
4. Use a structured journal
Goal setting journals are a great way to structure the process of writing down goals. One of my favorites is the Go All in Start Today Journal by Rachel Hollis. It helps you to narrow down ten goals that you want to achieve in the next ten years and to write them down every day. It also includes a short gratitude list to get you in the right frame of mind and space to write down one goal that you’re focusing on today. Journals like this one are an effective way to become more intentional about your life. Use my free 369 Method Journal template to get started!
5. Put it away
This tip is pretty easy, but don’t be fooled; it can be surprisingly effective. You simply write your goals down as affirmations in a special notebook. Then you put the notebook away in a sacred place or a clean drawer. The next step is crucial: you don’t open the journal for a few months. This helps you release your attachment to the outcome and it makes manifesting fun. You might be surprised by how many things in your journal actually come true after a few months or a year. Just make sure to fill the journal with enough short-term and long-term goals that you can see some progress.
Writing your goals down is an easy way to stay motivated and intentional. If you can master the habit of writing them down, you’ll prime your brain to be goal-oriented and equip yourself with the motivation to inch your way to success. Better yet, get the benefit of supportive accountability and share the goals you’ve written down with a close and trustworthy friend via email or text.
Why do you need to write a manifestation list?
Manifestation lists help you handle the emotions that come along with your desires.
If this is something you’ve never done before, it can seem overwhelming to write down all of the things you want.
Your emotions will be all over the place.
It’s easy to feel happy when you think of your desires, but it can also cause feelings of doubt and fear.
Writing a manifestation list helps you get past these negative feelings to work with the law of attraction more effectively.
Writing manifestation lists can help clear your head so you can focus on the things you want in life.
How to write a manifestation list in 9 steps:
Writing effective manifestation lists takes a bit of time and effort. How you plan out your list depends on what you want to achieve.
Using the following steps, you can quickly write an effective manifestation list:
1. Get a notepad or journal
First, you need somewhere to write your manifestations.
You should get a notebook or a journal that you can write in overtime.
You don’t have to be too picky about getting something fancy; make sure it’s big enough for you to write down everything you want.
Manifestation lists can get very detailed and long, so make sure your book is big enough to hold all of the ideas you’ll come up with.
Also, make sure it’s a journal or notepad that you enjoy writing in.
You’ll be spending a lot of time using this book, so you want to make sure it’s one that you are comfortable with.

2. Prepare to write
It’s essential that before you start writing, you clear your head and remove any distractions.
You can start by meditating or lighting a candle.
This will clear your mind and get you ready to write down everything you want in life.
If your mind is clear, it will be much easier to focus on your desires and work with the Law of Attraction.
3. Visualize what you want to manifest
Whatever you’re manifesting, take a few minutes to visualize it.
How you see the result of your manifestation will determine what you write down.
Make sure to visualize in as much detail as possible, including how you feel when you have what you want.
Ask and answer these questions while you’re visualizing:
- How do you feel when you think about what you want?
- How does this make you feel about your life right now?
- How will your life change once your wish comes true?
The answers to these questions will help you get clearer on your desires and what you want to manifest.
Don’t worry about capturing these images yet; focus on having that clear image in your head as possible.

4. Write down your vision in detail
Once you’ve had some time to visualize your ideal life, it’s time to start writing down what was in your vision.
You’ll want to write down every detail of your vision, even the parts you may have previously glossed over.
Take your time and focus on getting as detailed as possible.
Writing these details down will help you make sure that you see this manifestation come true.
When you have your vision written down, it becomes easier to work with the law of attraction and make your wish come true.
5. Be clear and specific
If there’s one thing that will help you manifest your desires, it’s clear and specific.
It’s important to be very specific about what you want so that your emotions can get involved and the universe knows exactly what you’re looking for.
Being clear will also help keep your emotions in check.
How many times have you heard someone say, “I wanted X, but I got Y instead”?
This happens because they weren’t clear about what they wanted in the first place.
If you specifically write down what you want, then the universe doesn’t have any wiggle room to make something else happen.
It will take care of making sure that your wish comes true.

6. Write in the present tense
While you’re writing your manifestation list, write as if you already have it.
This will help you create the feeling of having what you want, which will help bring it to you faster.
For example, your list may look like this:
- I enjoy $50,000 a year in revenue from my business.
- I love the freedom that comes with being my own boss.
This is different than writing something like:
- One day, I will earn $50,000 a year in revenue from my business.
- I’ll be happy when I start making money on my own.
You feel as though you already have what you want with the first examples, which will help create a powerful feeling when manifesting.
7. Stay positive
Whatever you’re manifesting, it’s essential to focus on the positive aspects of what you want.
It’s easy to doubt yourself, but when you do this, you’ll make it harder for the universe to deliver what it is you want.
Focus on how wonderful it will be to have what you want and avoid thinking about your wish’s negative sides.
Doing this can help you stay happy while working with the law of attraction to bring more positivity into your life.

8. Be confident
Confidence is key to manifesting your wishes.
How can you expect the universe to work with you if you don’t believe in yourself?
When you’re working with manifestation, it’s important that you feel confident about what you want.
If there’s any doubt in your mind, this will create a lack of confidence, inhibiting the process.
By being confident that your wish will come true, you’ll feel more optimistic because there will be less self-doubt.
The key to manifesting is making sure that the universe knows exactly what you want and getting into a stable emotional state.
How can the universe grant your wishes if you’re not emotionally in tune with your desires?
9. Trust the universe
Manifesting is hard because it requires a lot of trust in the universe.
How do you expect your wish to come true if you don’t believe that the universe can and will take care of making that happen?
Have faith that the universe will do its part and help you manifest your desire.
Give it a chance to work with you, and then let go of any worries about what may come next.
Remember: By being confident in yourself and trusting in the universe, you’ll feel happier with the process of manifesting.
This will make everything much easier on your end.

10. Be patient
Manifesting can be very quick and easy, but that doesn’t always happen.
Sometimes it takes time for your wish to come true.
How long it takes depends on the type of desire you’re manifesting and how in tune with it you are.
So while waiting for your wishes to come true, be patient.
It will happen when the universe feels it’s going to work for you, not against you.
You’ve been working on your manifestation list for a week now, so I’m sure you have a pretty good idea of what it is you want to achieve. However, before writing your actual list, ask yourself how you want to feel once you achieve your goal. Imagine the emotions that come with getting what you desire.