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Javascript is a popular programming language for creating web pages, and Doug Crockford has been a Javascript expert since 1996. In this book he takes a look at how Javascript works, and also gives you a thorough understanding of the syntax. This book is an essential purchase for developers serious about Javascript programming, and it gives you a thorough understanding of the syntax along with explanations of concepts such as events and listeners.
Table of Contents
How Javascript Works by Douglas Crockford PDF Download Details
- Book Title: How Javascript Works
- Author: Douglas Crockford
- Published: October 18, 2018
- ISBN: 9781949815023
- Goodreads Link: How Javascript Works by Douglas Crockford
- Formats: [PDF] [Epub]
- No. of pages: 279
- Size: 7 MB
- Genre: Science, Computer Science, Programming
- Language: English
- File Status: Available
- Price: $0
How Javascript Works Douglas Crockford PDF Book Description
A light-hearted romp thru the world’s most misunderstood programming language.
Douglas Crockford starts by looking at the fundamentals: names, numbers, booleans, characters, and bottom values. JavaScript’s number type is shown to be faulty and limiting, but then Crockford shows how to repair those problems. He then moves on to data structures and functions, exploring the underlying mechanisms and then uses higher-order functions to achieve class-free object-oriented programming.
The book also looks at eventual programming, testing, and purity, all the while looking at the requirements of The Next Language. Most of our languages are deeply rooted in the paradigm that produced FORTRAN. Crockford attacks those roots, liberating us to consider the next paradigm.
He also presents a strawman language and develops a complete transpiler to implement it. The book is deep, dense, full of code, and has moments when it is intentionally funny.
How Javascript Works by Douglas Crockford Review
Having read the original JavaScript: The Good Parts, of course, I was expecting some opinion. If you can see past that, you will likely learn a lot about how to do JavaScript “right”. While other books can teach you all the latest features and *how* to use them, this book teaches you *when* to use them
In “Good Parts”, Douglas Crockford popularized JavaScript as a singular programming language, in a class of its own. Here, he explores its idiosyncrasies in a warts-and-all style, with plenty of examples of how to push this dynamic language past its apparent limits. Crockford imbues this tome with his deep knowledge of the history of the programming craft, and while contextualizing the ins and outs of JavaScript, he makes a studied case for the traits of the language that ought to replace it.
This book is hard to describe. Crockford mixes serious thought experiments with history and humorous commentary. Some of the chapters are very close studies of the implementation details of libraries that Crockford sketches in order to explain a concept to his readers. Other chapters are more cursory and amount to a grab bag of wisdom and witticisms about a particular topic. The chapters are thoughtfully arranged, but they can also be read in isolation.
The corpus feels a bit like scripture, in that way. I know many engineers that would find this book too esoteric and unapproachable, but I know others that would find it very refreshing. We need more software books like this one.

About the Author of How Javascript Works PDF
Douglas Crockford has been called a JavaScript Guru, but he is more of a Mahatma. He was born in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, but left when he was only six months old because it was just too damn cold. He has worked in learning systems, small business systems, office automation, games, interactive music, multimedia, location-based entertainment, social systems, and programming languages.
He is the inventor of Tilton, the ugliest programming language that was not specifically designed to be an ugly programming language. He is best known for having discovered that there are good parts in JavaScript. That was the first important discovery of the Twenty-First Century. He also discovered the JSON Data Interchange Format, the world’s most loved data format.
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