Crank Palace Free Download

Have you been searching cluelessly for where to get Crank Palace Free Download? Would you like to get the crank palace book pdf free? Are you a big fan of the maze runner series? Relax, today is your lucky day! Right here on knowdemia, you can get Crank Palace Book PDF! Not only will you get this book, but you will also get all the books in the maze runner series. Crank Palace is a novella, released on August 25, 2020. The story is centred on the character Newt and takes place during the events of The Death Cure. It was first released as an audiobook on August 25, 2020, while the print copy and ebook version was released on November 23.

Crank Palace by James Dashner was very well written. I absolutely love the style of writing and the attention to detail. This book gave a lot of insight into what Newt went through between when he left the group and his death. This novella centres around Newt’s thoughts and experiences about the Flare. Newt is struggling with losing his friends while also losing his mind to the virus. “He hated the people trying to find a cure. He hated that he wasn’t immune and he hated that his best friends were.” He gets through it by finding a purpose and befriending Keisha.

Table of Contents

The Crank Palace PDF Download Details

  • Book Title: Crank Palace: A Maze Runner Novella
  • Goodreads Link: Crank Palace: A Maze Runner Novella
  • Series: The Maze Runner #5.5
  • Author: James Dashner
  • Publish Date: 09/23/2020
  • ISBN: 9780385742887
  • Formats: [PDF] [Epub]
  • No. of pages: 327 pages
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Science Fiction
  • Language: English
  • File Status: Available for Download
  • Price: Free

Crank Palace: A Maze Runner Novella Summary

What is the crank palace about?

Newt has been to hell and back with his friends.

The Glade. The Maze. The Scorch. The inner halls of WICKED. But now he has a burden that can’t be shared with Thomas and the others—the Flare. And Newt can’t bear the thought of his friends watching him descend into madness as he succumbs to the virus.

Leaving only a note, Newt departs the Berg before the Gladers return from their mission into Denver, Colorado. From there, he experiences the gritty nightmare of life on the streets, running from the infected and those hunting them, until he ends up in the Crank Palace, the last dumping ground of those without hope. Although Newt thought he was running away from his friends to save them from himself, along the way he meets a young mother named Keisha and her son, Dante, who end up saving Newt in a way he could never have imagined.

Taking place during the latter events of The Death CureCrank Palace tells the story of Newt like never before, from inside his own mind, as he searches for meaning in a life gone horribly wrong. He will try to fulfill a newfound destiny before his path leads to its inevitable conclusion—and one last meeting with his best friend.

The Crank Palace Book Review

“The despair on Thomas and Minho’s face had somehow burned into Newt’s mind despite the fact that he’d temporarily lost it.”

The Maze Runner series has been an absolute obsession of mine since i was barely double digits in age. Newt has survived a lot. He’s been in the Glade, the Maze, the Scorch, and even inside WICKED! Now Newt has the Flare and he doesn’t want his friends to watch him lose his mind. While the Gladers are in Denver, Newt leaves with only a note telling them goodbye. Newt soon discovers that life on the street isn’t much better than what he has already been through. While on the run he meets Keisha and her son. Will Newt risk helping them out of their troubles? How will Keisha and Dante change how Newt faces the world?

Crank Palace is a novella in The Maze Runner universe. The events that take place in this story would have taken place towards the end of The Death Cure (book 3). Dashner takes us into the mind of Newt and helps us understand what the Flare was like. Newt may not want his friends to see his decline, but he also knows that he can’t just let things happen. This novella is a quick read that will leave readers thinking long after it is finished, especially since we are in the middle of Covid-19 when it is released.

Outside of my love for this author and this character, the book was written in relatively short chapters that made it really easy to read. The atmospherical descriptions and tricks were immaculately done, yet still left the right amount of room to form your own image of the place. I feel like in a weird way, the length of this book is perfect. It may be short and the relationship between Newt and Keisha may feel rushed, but i believe it is completely meant to. This book only takes place over a number of days, and the fast build of relationship between the characters is perfectly understandable if you look through the perspective of two completely broken, alone, and frustrated people.

In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves the maze runner series and Newt as a character.

Crank Palace Free Download

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3 years ago

Hello, I’m not able to download crank palace. Please send me the book. Please it’s a request. Please

Reply to  Arohi
3 years ago

Hello Arohi,
The link has been updated, so you can download your book now.
Happy Reading 🙂

2 years ago

Hi, the link to this book doesn’t work. Could you send me another link?

Knowdemia Team
Reply to  Debi
2 years ago

Hello Debi,
The link is working. Please click on the Download PDF or Download Epub Button to start downloading.

Reply to  Knowdemia Team
2 years ago

I clicked the Download PDF and Download Epub but it says error. Is there another way to get the book?

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