How to Remove Ticks From Dogs

How to Remove Ticks From Dogs – Most dogs have been subjected to tick bites in one form or another, and the painful results of a tick bite are no laughing matter. Thankfully, there are options available at your disposal. In this article I’ll tell you how to remove ticks from dogs safely and thoroughly. The following methods represent all sides of the spectrum when it comes to tick removal from dogs, from the safest flea and tick prevention for dogs to how to treat tick bites on dogs .

A good examination usually reveals a tick embedded in the skin. Preventive and curative methods for ticks to prevent tick-borne diseases in dogs can be used. Here is a compilation of necessary information concerning ticks and how to remove them from dogs . Following this page will protect your dog from the dangers of ticks best.

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How to Identify Ticks in Dogs

Ticks are a type of ectoparasite mite. That is parasites that lodge in the bodies of other living beings to feed on their blood like mosquitoes. When dealing with mites, ticks do not enter the group of insects, despite being ectoparasites like some of them but they are arachnids.

Normally, when these parasites jump to our dog to establish themselves as guests they have a small size that increases as they feed on the blood of our dog. We have to identify them when they are small since it is much easier to eliminate them with home remedies. But, if we see them when they are already big, we will have to remove them ourselves with the help of tweezers. For this, we advise you to watch this video in which we show you how to remove a tick.

To know how to identify a tick in our dog. We must bear in mind that the times of the year in which they are most active are from spring to autumn. In this way, if we are within this period of time, we must examine the coat of our dog daily. Ticks usually live in areas with tall grasses or bushes. Therefore, if we have taken our dogs for a walk through parks or forests with this type of vegetation. We will examine their body when returning home since it is likely that they were infected with ticks.

It is very important to remove ticks from the dog as soon as possible because they carry parasites conditions such as disease Lyme, a common disease in dogs that can cause ailments like:

  • Inflamed Joints
  • Changes in your dog’s skin
  • The appearance of fever and malaise in the dog
  • Muscle pains

However, if the ticks are still small in size, how can we identify them? Very simple, paying attention to the main symptoms like

  • The dog scratches more than usual in areas such as the neck or ears.
  • Mild hemorrhage on the skin that may be attached to a small rash, swelling of the area or redness.

Tools You’ll Need to Remove a Tick

To remove a tick safely, you’ll need these supplies:

  • Latex or rubber gloves
  • Extra lighting and a magnifying glass
  • Tweezers or a tick removal tool (my personal favorites are the Tick Tornado and the Tick Twister)
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Jar or small container with a lid
  • Triple antibiotic ointment
  • Treats!

How to Remove Ticks From Dogs Step by Step

Use caution when trying to remove ticks that are attached near your dog’s eyes, around their mouth, and inside their ears. If the tick is in an area that seems uncomfortable for your dog, don’t be afraid to call your veterinarian and ask for assistance.

Use the treats as distractions and rewards for your dog during the tick removal process. Here’s how to get ticks off dogs using tweezers or a tick removal tool.

Using Tweezers to Remove Ticks

If you are using tweezers to remove a tick, follow these steps:

  1. Try to grab the base of the tick as close to your dog’s skin as possible. Try not to pinch your dog! Also make sure you are not squeezing the tick too tightly, as it may crush the tick and make it more difficult to remove.
  2. Slowly begin to pull the tick out from your dog’s skin in a steady motion. Do not twist or jerk your hand while pulling the tick out. The goal is to pull the head of the tick out of your dog’s skin while it is still attached to its body.
  3. Once the tick has been removed, examine it to make sure all body parts have been removed from your dog’s skin.

Using a Tick Removal Tool

If you are using a tick removal tool—like the Tick Twister—follow these steps:

  1. Gently “hook” the body of the tick in the notch of the tool.
  2. Rotate the tool clockwise or counterclockwise until the tick detaches from the skin (do not pull on the tick while it is still attached).
  3. Once the tick has detached, lift the tick away from the skin.
  4. Examine the tick to make sure all body parts have been removed from your dog’s skin.

What to Do If the Head of the Tick Gets Stuck in Your Dog’s Skin

If the head of the tick is still embedded in your dog’s skin after the body has been removed, there’s no need to panic.

Do not try to dig the head of the tick out of your dog’s skin. This will cause more irritation and inflammation and will open the skin to infection.

Instead, take your dog to the veterinarian to remove any remaining embedded pieces of the tick.

How to Kill a Tick

Once the tick has safely been removed, place it in a jar or small container that is filled with isopropyl alcohol and put the lid on the jar. The isopropyl alcohol will kill the tick.

Many veterinarians recommend keeping the tick in the container in case your dog starts to show any signs of illness. Different types of ticks can carry different diseases, so having your veterinarian identify the tick may help with a diagnosis.

Disinfecting the Skin

After disposing of the tick, you can tend to the tick bite area.

Gently clean the site of tick attachment with soap and water. Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Hydrogel spray can be applied to the area as well.

Continue to watch the area where the tick was attached. If you notice any redness or inflammation, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Home Remedies to Prevent Ticks in Dogs

To keep your dog protected from ticks, it is recommended that you buy a good collar that is repellent for this type of parasites. As well as that you apply the antiparasitic pipette that your regular veterinarian tells you. Likewise, we advise you to consult the tips that we show you in the following article to know how to prevent fleas and ticks. The most advisable in the case that your dog has been infested by fleas, is that you resort to the home remedies to eliminate them that we detail in this article.

However, if you can not apply veterinary antiparasitic treatments for whatever reason. Here are some home remedies to avoid ticks in dogs. Of course, keep in mind that if you tend to walk with your dog for spaces with a high number of ticks. It may not be enough and you should go to veterinary products.

Bath Your Dog with Apple Cider Vinegar

In the same way that apple cider vinegar is a product that allows us to eliminate ticks in dogs. It also acts as a preventive and therefore, prevents it from being infested by these parasites. To apply this home remedy as prevention, you should mix equal parts apple cider vinegar with the shampoo you use to bathe your dog. Then, he proceeds to bathe the dog, as usual, to dry it and to brush it.

In addition to being a powerful natural repellent and effective preventive. Apple cider vinegar will allow you to keep the bad smell away from your dog. Since its composition manages to lengthen the feeling of clean and good smell in the can. Likewise, do not worry about the intense aroma of apple cider vinegar after bathing your dog you will see that there is no trace of it.

Eucalyptus Leaves

Just as the eucalyptus infusion is an excellent natural remedy to eliminate ticks in dogs. The leaves can also help us prevent the appearance of these parasites. How? Very simple, placing them in different spaces of our home, especially in the room where our furry companion rests and sleeps.

Of course, you must ensure that your dog does not eat the eucalyptus leaves. Because it may not digest them properly and present vomit or diarrhea. And if your dog is one of those who cannot resist swallowing a plant, try placing the leaves under his bed and see if they go unnoticed for him.

Beer Yeast

Yes, just as brewer’s yeast has many good properties for humans, it is also highly beneficial for the dog. One of the main components of this product is vitamin B1 also known as thiamine. A molecule that helps repel both ticks and fleas due to the odor it generates in the blood of the dog which is very unpleasant for these parasites. Likewise, not only can prevent the appearance of these annoying hosts but also favors the fur of the animal. Thanks to its high amount of biotin, providing an extra shine and softness.

To use this home remedy to avoid ticks in dogs you should simply mix a teaspoon of brewer’s yeast with your usual food if your dog is toy, small or medium size. If your dog is large or giant use 3/4 tablespoon. You can administer the indicated doses of brewer’s yeast once a day, no more. If you want to change the amount, we recommend you consult your usual veterinarian first.


The common tick species found across the United States are mostly found on dogs. And it’s not just the big deer tick but other ticks also attack animals. This means that checking for ticks regularly should be part of every dog owner’s responsibilities. Knowing how to remove ticks from your dogs can help give them relief from frustration.

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