How to Avoid Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis occurs when your body is out of REM sleep and your mind is awake. It can be a scary experience if you’ve never had it before. I have been dealing with sleep paralysis on and off for over 15 years. I have even been lucid dreaming during sleep paralysis which helped me to see that this is all in your head and nothing to worry about. Sleep paralysis hallucinations can be figured out with a few simple tricks to avoid sleep paralysis, once and for all.

Sleep paralysis is a temporary loss of muscle function while you’re sleeping.

It typically occurs:

  • as a person is falling asleep
  • shortly after they have fallen asleep
  • while they’re waking up

According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, people with sleep paralysis usually experience this condition for the first time between the ages of 14 and 17 years old.

It’s a fairly common sleep condition. Researchers estimate that between 5 and 40 percent of people experience this condition.

Episodes of sleep paralysis may occur along with another sleep disorder known as narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder that causes overwhelming drowsiness and sudden “sleep attacks” throughout the day. However, many people who don’t have narcolepsy can still experience sleep paralysis.

This condition isn’t dangerous. Though it can feel alarming to some, no medical intervention is usually necessary.0

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What are the symptoms of sleep paralysis?

Sleep paralysis isn’t a medical emergency. Being familiar with the symptoms can provide peace of mind.

The most common characteristic of an episode of sleep paralysis is the inability to move or speak. An episode may last for a few seconds to about 2 minutes.

You may also experience:

  • feeling as if something is pushing you down
  • feeling like someone or something is in the room
  • feeling fear
  • hypnagogic and hypnopompic experiences (HHEs), which are described as hallucinations during, right before, or after sleep

Priyanka Vaidya, MD, notes that other symptoms may include:

  • difficulty breathing
  • feeling as if you’re going to die
  • sweating
  • muscle aches
  • headaches
  • paranoia

Episodes typically end on their own, or when another person touches or moves you.

You may be aware of what’s happening but are still unable to move or speak during an episode. You may also be able to recall the details of the episode after temporary paralysis disappears.

In rare cases, some people experience dreamlike hallucinations that may cause fear or anxiety, but these hallucinations are harmless.0

What can cause sleep paralysis?

Children and adults of all ages can experience sleep paralysis. However, certain groups are at a higher risk than others.

Groups that are at an increased risk include people with the following conditions:

Sleep paralysis is also usually caused by a disconnect between mind and body, which happens during sleep, says Vaidya.

She also notes that the usual causes include:

  • poor sleep hygiene, or not having proper sleep habits that are necessary for good quality sleep
  • sleep disorders like sleep apnea

Having a disrupted sleep schedule has also been linked to sleep paralysis. Examples where your sleep schedule can be disrupted include working night shifts or being jet lagged.

In some cases, sleep paralysis seems to run in families. However, this is rare. There’s no clear scientific evidence that the condition is hereditary.

Sleeping on your back may increase your chances of an episode. Lack of sleep may also increase the risk of sleep paralysis.0

How is sleep paralysis diagnosed?

If you find yourself unable to move or speak for a few seconds or minutes when falling asleep or waking up, then it is likely you have isolated recurrent sleep paralysis. Often there is no need to treat this condition.

Check with your doctor if you have any of these concerns:

  • You feel anxious about your symptoms
  • Your symptoms leave you very tired during the day
  • Your symptoms keep you up during the night

Your doctor may want to gather more information about your sleep health by doing any of the following:

  • Ask you to describe your symptoms and keep a sleep diary for a few weeks
  • Discuss your health history, including any known sleep disorders or any family history of sleep disorders
  • Refer you to a sleep specialist for further evaluation
  • Conduct overnight sleep studies or daytime nap studies to make sure you do not have another sleep disorder

How to treat sleep paralysis?

Symptoms of sleep paralysis typically resolve within a matter of minutes and don’t cause any lasting physical effects or trauma. However, the experience can be quite unsettling and frightening.

Sleep paralysis that occurs in isolation doesn’t typically require treatment. But those who also have signs of narcolepsy should consult a doctor. This is especially important if symptoms interfere with work and home life.

Your doctor may prescribe certain drugs to help manage your sleep paralysis if narcolepsy is the underlying cause.

The most commonly prescribed medications are stimulants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine (Prozac). Stimulants help you stay awake.

SSRIs help manage symptoms associated with narcolepsy.

Your doctor may order a sleep study called a polysomnography.

The study results will help your doctor make a diagnosis, if you’re experiencing sleep paralysis and other symptoms of narcolepsy. This type of study requires an overnight stay at a hospital or sleep center.

In this study, a healthcare provider will place electrodes on your chin, scalp, and at the outer edge of your eyelids. The electrodes measure electrical activity in your muscles and brain waves.

They’ll also monitor your breathing and heart rate. In some cases, a camera will record your movements during sleep.

Vaidya believes that the key to mitigating sleep paralysis is improving sleep hygiene by sticking to a good bedtime routine, which includes:

  • avoiding blue light prior to sleep
  • ensuring the room temperature is kept low

These bedtime routines can help ensure that you get a better night’s rest.0

How can I prevent sleep paralysis?

You can minimize symptoms or the frequency of episodes with a few simple lifestyle changes, such as:

  • Reduce stress in your life.
  • Exercise regularly but not close to bedtime.
  • Get sufficient rest.
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  • Keep track of medications you take for any conditions.
  • Know the side effects and interactions of your different medications so you can avoid potential side effects, including sleep paralysis.
  • Sleep on your side and avoid sleeping on your back.

Vaidya notes that following these tips can also help prevent sleep paralysis:

If you have a mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression, taking an antidepressant may diminish episodes of sleep paralysis.

Antidepressants can help reduce the number of dreams you have, which lessens sleep paralysis.


Night time can be a wonderful time for a lot of people. The bed is warm, the lights are turned off and you can rip a whole through a box set or a good book from cover to cover before heading to sleep. But for those who suffer from sleep paralysis it can be terrifying as you wake up from a dead sleep with the inability to move or scream due to hallucinations.

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